New Today in Stories
People Confess Real Life Creepy Stories That Are Scarier Than Any Horror Movie

Who needs scary movies when you've got real life?

Firefighters Are Revealing the Dumbest People They Ever Had to Save

Firefighters are some of the bravest and most heroic service people, but even they have to deal with dummies every now and then.

These Cops Are Revealing the Most Disturbing Unsolved Cases They Ever Worked

These unsolved cases rattled the cops who worked on them to their core.

These People Are Confessing HUGE Secrets That Could Destroy Their Marriage Immediately

Hope their spouses don't find out...

These Children of Serial "Unalivers" Are Confessing What It Was Like Being Raised By a Maniac

If you thought your parents were bad, you haven't seen anything yet...

These Missing Persons Reappeared and Confessed Exactly Why They Disappeared

It's always great when missing persons are found. But what went into their disappearance?

People Are Confessing the Worst (and Scariest) Thing They Ever Woke Up To

Get ready for a heart attack.

People Are Telling All About That Time They Said, "*** This, I'm Out!"

Sometimes you've just gotta go.

People Are Sharing the Wildest and Weirdest Coincidences They've Ever Experienced

Some weird stuff has happened in this world.

People Are Reliving the Creepiest Memories That They Haven't Tapped Since Childhood

Do you have any repressed memories?

Ex-Cons Are Confessing The Scariest Thing They Saw While Behind Bars

It's rough in there.

People Are Confessing That One Time a "Gut Feeling" Saved Their Lives

Listen to those gut feelings.

The Formerly Kidnapped Are Sharing Stories About How They Survived

Quite terrifying.

Former Students Are Remembering the Weirdest Thing the 'Weird Kid' Did at School

Did you have a 'weird kid'?

Hotel Workers Are Revealing the Gnarliest Things They've Seen in Guest Rooms

Just don't bring a black light to your hotel room...